8:30 AM08:30

2019 AALS Annual Meeting: AALS Open Source Program

State Attorneys General focus on today’s most controversial legal issues. Beyond the headlines of state challenges to the Obama and Trump administrations, the Attorney General’s docket includes state constitutional law, federal courts, consumer protection, tort litigation, criminal justice, financial regulation, antitrust, environmental law, civil rights, nonprofit corporations, and labor law.

Attorneys General and their staff also confront unique ethics issues of client identity, confidentiality, and use of outside counsel. Thus, courses on the Attorneys General offer a microcosm of the entire public law curriculum.

This panel discussion will discuss ways in which law schools can integrate the role of the Attorney General into the curriculum, including full courses, clinics, and class sessions that feature this important work. It will feature advice from pioneers in the field, including former and current state officials who are bringing their experiences into the classroom.

For more information, please visit: AALS Open Source Program at the 2019 AALS Annual Meeting website.

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to Nov 29

NAAG Fall Meeting & New Attorney General Orientation (AGs and AG Staff Only)

  • Belmond Charleston Place (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The only NAAG annual meeting held solely for attorneys general, attorneys general-elect, AG staff and invited guest speakers.

The Nov. 6 elections will bring at least 13 new attorneys general into office. As a result, a new AG orientation is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 27 and Wednesday morning, Nov. 28. NAAG will host a Monday night Welcome dinner exclusively for incoming and current attorneys general to get acquainted.

The NAAG Fall Meeting on Wednesday and Thursday will feature two sessions covering this year’s NAAG Presidential Initiative topic, “Emergency and Crisis Management.” One is community rebuilding after a shooting, in this case focusing on the Charleston church shooting. The second is a keynote speaker from the National Center for Disaster Fraud. Other sessions will address opioids, free speech, veterans’ issues, cryptocurrency and ethics, among other topics. The meeting will conclude Thursday night with a NAAG reception and dinner honoring attorneys general who are leaving office. Don’t miss out or wait to register!

For more information, please visit: NAAG | Fall Meeting

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MDL at 50: The State Role and State Attorneys-General (panel)
9:00 AM09:00

MDL at 50: The State Role and State Attorneys-General (panel)

  • New York University School of Law, Greenberg Lounge in Vanderbilt Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Moderated by Abbe Gluck (Professor, Yale Law School)

  • Natalie Ludaway (Chief Deputy Attorney General, Washington DC Attorney General)

  • David Nachman (Senior Enforcement Counsel, New York Attorney General's Office)

  • Luther Strange (former Senator, United States Senate; former Attorney General, Alabama)

  • James Tierney (Lecturer at Law, Harvard Law School; former Attorney General, Maine)

The conference is free to attend, and you can RSVP by clicking here, or copying the following link into your browser: https://goo.gl/forms/q6aR2J5E221qJn8R2

Video of Panel Presentation

For a video of the panel with Prof. Tierney’s talk, please see MDL at 50: The value of teaching about AG's in law school, under Video Resources on the AG 101: Introduction to State AGs page.

MDL at 50: The 50th Anniversary of Multidistrict Litigation

The Center on Civil Justice is excited to announce its first of two fall conferences, MDL at 50, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 1968 Multidistrict Litigation Statute. This conference is co-hosted by the Center on Civil Justice at NYU Law School and the Liman and Solomon Centers at Yale Law School. The topic of aggregate litigation is especially important in light of the many cases brought together under MDL and the shifting rules on the availability of class actions. This is an opportunity to take stock, by looking back on the history of MDL and its current impact. We will discuss what the goals of MDL have been and are, MDL's successes and challenges, and whether and how its processes can be improved.

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Inside Policy | Balance of Power: How Courts and States are Impacting Policy (webinar)
1:00 PM13:00

Inside Policy | Balance of Power: How Courts and States are Impacting Policy (webinar)


States and the courts have emerged as high-profile players amid swiftly changing federal policy, stepping in with key actions related to immigration, climate change, civil liberties and other areas.

Whether they question or affirm, impede or support proposed federal policy decisions, State’s Attorneys General are a significant element in nascent federal priorities. Join this session to hear from James E. Tierney, the former attorney general of Maine, and learn more about the role of states and the courts in the current federal agenda and explore the consequent impact on inclusive growth, sustainability, and equitable government systems.

For more information, please visit: Inside Policy | Balance of Power

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11:00 AM11:00

The New Federalism: Roles of State Attorneys General and the Trump Administration

  • Rappaport Center for Law and Public Policy (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Panel Discussion Including Current and Former Government Officials and Law Faculty

Moderator:  Thomas A. Barnico, Boston College Law School

For more info: https://orgsync.com/118161/events/2217625/occurrences/5294778

Please RSVP: rappaport@bc.edu

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to Jun 15

Federal Judicial Center - 2017 Workshop for Judges of the Fourth Circuit

  • Google Calendar ICS

Hyatt Regency Baltimore Inner Harbor
300 Light Street
Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 21202

The Federal Judicial Center Presents:
2017 Workshop for Judges of the Fourth Circuit
"Credibility, Courts and the Constitution: Judging in Interesting Times"

Tuesday, June 13
1:15 – 2:30: Constitutional Issues in Litigation Between State and Federal Governments
Honorable Catherine C. Eagles, Moderator;  Middle District of North Carolina
Professor Tara L. Grove, William and Mary Law School
Professor James E. Tierney, Harvard Law School


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12:30 PM12:30

John Jay College Seminar Keynote: The Role of the State AG in Protecting Immigrants

John Jay College
New Building- 6th Floor - Moot Court Room
524 West 59th Street
New York, NY 10019
9:30am - 12:15pm

Opening Remarks and Introduction: Dr. Charles Robert Davidson and John Jay President Jeremy Travis
Keynote Address: Professor James E. Tierney
Program Speakers:
Lourdes Rosado - Chief, Civil Rights Bureau, New York OAG;
Mayur SaxenaCivil Enforcement Section Chief, Civil Rights Bureau, New York OAG;
Sania Khan - Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Bureau, New York OAG

Video of Seminar Keynote

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8:30 PM20:30

ACS San Diego Lawyer Chapter: The Emerging Role of the State Attorney General

ACS San Diego Lawyer Chapter
Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP
665 West Broadway #1900
San Diego, CA 92101
12:00pm - 1:00pm

On behalf of the American Constitution Society (ACS), Professor Tierney will be speaking on "The Trump Administration and the Emerging Role of the State Attorney General." Prof. Tierney's talk will be followed by a panel discussion including City Attorney Mara Elliott and the Legal Director at ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties, David Loy.

Please check back for more information.

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9:30 PM21:30

ACS Milwaukee Lawyer Chapter: The Emerging Role of the State Attorney General

ACS Milwaukee Lawyer Chapter
Foley & Lardner Conference Room
777 East Wisconsin Avenue
40th Floor of the US Bank Building
Milwaukee, WI 53202
12:00pm - 1:00pm

On behalf of the American Constitution Society (ACS), Professor Tierney will be speaking on "The Trump Administration and the Emerging Role of the State Attorney General."

Please check back for more information.

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8:00 PM20:00

ACS Philadelphia Lawyer Chapter: The Emerging Role of the State Attorney General

ACS Philadelphia Lawyer Chapter
Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
One Logan Square
Philadelphia, PA 19103
12:00pm - 1:00pm

On behalf of the American Constitution Society (ACS), Professor Tierney will be speaking on "The Trump Administration and the Emerging Role of the State Attorney General."

Please check back for more information.

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8:30 PM20:30

ACS Washington, DC Lawyer Chapter: State AG Leadership in the Trump Era

ACS Washington, DC Lawyer Chapter
Zuckerman Spaeder LLP
1800 M St NW #1000, Washington, DC 20036
5:30 pm — 7:00 pm

On behalf of the American Constitution Society (ACS), Professor Tierney will be speaking on "State Attorney General Leadership in the Trump Era: Challenges and Opportunities."

Join us for a candid conversation with one of the nation's leading experts on state attorneys general about the challenges and opportunities that state attorneys general will face in the months and years to come.

Light refreshments provided courtesy of Zuckerman Spaeder.

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3:00 PM15:00

University of Minnesota Progressive Federalism Lunch (Students Only)

  • University of Minnesota Law School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

ACS Student Chapter
University of Minnesota Law School

Introduction and a Discussion with James Reilly

The University of Minnesota Law School ACS chapter will be hosting an event that includes a discussion with James E. Tierney, a former Maine Attorney General, a Lecturer of Law at Harvard Law School, and the founder of StateAG.org, an educational resource on state attorney generals.  

The event will consist of a meeting with James E. Tierney about the role attorneys general play in our legal system along with career advice. The event will also discuss ACS goals, events, and what the organization does in the law school and around the country.

Food will be catered from a local restaurant.

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7:15 PM19:15

Progressive Federalism

  • Harvard Kennedy School, Allison Dining Room, 5th Floor Taubman Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Progressive Federalism: How State Attorneys General Are Fighting Travel Bans, Protecting Rights and Defending Democratic Institutions

Join George Jepsen, Connecticut Attorney General; James Tierney, Lecturer in Law, Harvard Law School, Former Maine Attorney General, Founder, StateAG.org; Sarah Wald, Moderator, Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School, Former Assistant Attorney General, Massachusetts; and Archon Fung, Ford Foundation Professor of Democracy and Citizenship, Academic Dean, HKS.

For more information: Progressive Federalism at Harvard.edu

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to Mar 1

NAAG Winter Meeting

Join NAAG for its largest annual meeting to be held Feb. 27- March 1 in Washington, D.C. The NAAG Winter Meeting has the highest attendance of state attorneys general, including those newly-elected in November and starting their terms in January. This is also the meeting when officials from the new Trump administration will be invited to speak about common issues and potential partnerships. NAAG President and Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen’s Presidential Initiative topic, “Evolving Challenges in the American Healthcare Marketplace” will be addressed as well.

NAAG also hosts its traditional U.S. Supreme Court Perspectives Luncheon to discuss significant cases, and offers a unique evening reception for all attendees in the grand U.S. Supreme Court building. Over the years, a number of Justices have come to this social gathering to mingle with guests.

This will be another exceptional meeting. Meeting space limits the number of attendees so register early to secure your participation.

For more information, please see: NAAG Winter Meeting

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