Chief justice to step down from state’s high court to lead UMaine law school

‘Judicial decisions do not mark her tenure as a judge — district, superior, associate and chief,’ said former Maine Attorney General James Tierney, now a law professor at Harvard University. ‘Rather, her career has been marked by an unflagging commitment to common sense justice and a deep love of Maine.’

Taking states seriously: new frontiers of public law

What Tierney’s initiatives, propelled (as I can testify first-hand) by a remarkable lawyer with boundless energy, point to is a marriage between ambitious public law academics and their law school homes on one side of the aisle and seasoned AGs and other public officials who are committed to working within the domain of academic culture to fertilize this field of state public law.

Letitia James is one of them now

‘She’s not a great litigator. She didn’t go to Harvard Law School. She didn’t work in a big law firm. So nobody really knew what to expect,’ said James Tierney, a former Maine attorney general and lecturer at Harvard Law School. But he said she’s done a great job, particularly when it comes to cooperating with other attorneys general on multistate litigation holding pharmaceutical companies accountable for deaths from opioid abuse and protecting access to birth control and abortion. ‘And that has been noticed and deeply appreciated,’ Tierney said.

When a State Attorney General Takes On a National Fight, What’s He Gunning For?

Former Maine Attorney General James Tierney, a Democrat who now teaches at Harvard Law School, said fraud “doesn’t have a partisan hat” when attorneys general are going after bad actors.

State Attorneys General Are Fighting To Keep Environmental Laws

There’s a reason why we have state government in this country, and it’s because when the federal government doesn’t act or acts illegally, states have the legal authority to do something about it. State attorneys general around the country are standing up for science and standing up for climate change in many, many different forms.
— James Tierney

‘Ageless’ Enforcer Who Helped Tame Microsoft Now Eyes Big Tech

He has this kind of Midwestern suspicion of bigness,” Jim Tierney, the former Maine attorney general, Jim
said. “He doesn’t like bullies and he doesn’t like people who push others around.
— Victoria Graham, Bloomberg Law

Iowa Governor Vetoes Limit On Attorney General

James Tierney, a national expert on state attorneys general, said it is common for state attorneys general to join lawsuits against presidents of the opposing political party, but there have been more lawsuits against the Trump administration.

Tierney said Reynolds’ veto was the right thing to do, because the attorney general is supposed to be independent from the governor.

’The idea is to provide an independent legal authority that will speak for the people and not necessarily for any particular gubernatorial administration,,’ Tierney said.
— Iowa Public Radio

Multistate lawsuits against Trump in 2 years exceed those against Obama, Bush in 8 years

Tierney said the administration is making fewer mistakes that could lead to losses on procedural grounds, but he suspects there could be an increase in investigations of Trump by attorneys general.

The Takeaway: Why Attorney General Races Draw National Attention (and Donations)

The US Supreme Court in 2006 gave the states the special right to sue the federal government when other organizations can’t. But the real reason it’s happening is because of the integration of our economy.

Why Attorney General Races Draw National Attention (and Donations),” The Takeaway, WNYC, November 16, 2018.

These 8 Attorney-General Races Could Make A Big Difference To Trump’s Agenda

State attorneys general have become nationally more important in a time of political gridlock, said James Tierney, a former attorney general of Maine and a lecturer at Harvard Law School. Apart from their ability to sue the federal government directly, there are other ways for AGs to influence policy — whether they believe the problem is federal overreach or underreach. They can, for example, limit how much state and local law enforcement officers cooperate with federal immigration agencies or step in to sue companies when they believe the federal government isn’t doing enough to protect citizens.

Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux and Nathaniel Rakich, “These 8 Attorney-General Races Could Make A Big Difference To Trump’s Agenda,” FiveThirtyEight, October 22, 2018.

State AG races are ‘where the action is’ this fall

‘Ever since tobacco [litigation in the 1990s], the AGs have become national figures.… Even a small state AG can impact a national corporation. So if the AG of Maine decides that Dunkin’ Donuts [for example] is doing something wrong … then that gets on the Internet and Dunkin’ Donut franchisees all over the country get nervous because of what somebody did in Maine.’

‘And because the economy is integrated, does it really make any difference whether it is an assistant AG in Connecticut or an assistant AG in Missouri who looks at Dunkin’ Donuts? The answer is no.’

‘So with that integration at work, the question is what is actually happening here [with races for state attorneys general getting more play and attention, and more partisan],’ Tierney added. ‘There may be much less there than meets the eye.’

Kirk Victor, “State AG races are ‘where the action is’ this fall,” FTCWatch, Issue 946 (newsletter), September 17, 2018.

The Most Effective Way for Democrats to Fight Trump’s Agenda Isn’t Where You Think It Is

The end of the incumbency rule, says Tierney, could make it more difficult for attorneys general to collaborate on litigation that affects many states, red and blue, including against pharmaceutical companies. ‘Now that AGs can run against other AGs, I imagine it’s pretty difficult for them to have confidential discussions across party lines, and that’s a problem,’ he says.

Samantha Michaels, “The Most Effective Way for Democrats to Fight Trump’s Agenda Isn’t Where You Think It Is,” Mother Jones, September 14, 2018.

Josh Shapiro driven by ambition, desire to tackle big problems

‘[PA AG Josh Schapiro] took over an office that obviously was in real crisis and he turned it around very quickly,’ said James Tierney, a Harvard Law School professor and former Maine attorney general who works with attorneys general around the country. ‘He’s shown real leadership.’

Wes Venteicher, "Josh Shapiro driven by ambition, desire to tackle big problems,", Aug. 26, 2018.

With Schneiderman Out, Environmental Fight Loses a Prominent Voice

In the wake of scandal, the shock to staff members is keenly felt, but ‘after a day, the assistant A. G.s will get back to work,’ Mr. Tierney said. In fact, he said, cases might proceed more smoothly without Mr. Schneiderman, whose tendency to garner publicity for himself could be a distraction.

John Schwartz, "With Schneiderman Out, Environmental Fight Loses a Prominent Voice," New York Times, May 9, 2018.

With Eric Schneiderman out as NY attorney general, who will lead the Trump resistance?

‘All of the work they were doing yesterday they’re doing today,’ Tierney told NBC News, adding that the New York attorney general’s office has a talented staff. ‘This isn’t about any individual, this is about our Constitution and our laws. We’ve got a lot of professional prosecutors who are working while we’re talking.’

‘Nothing Changes’: NY AG Will Remain Check On Trump Without Schneiderman

‘Absolutely nothing changes,’ James Tierney, former director of the National State Attorney General Program and lecturer at Harvard University, told TPM.

’He’s got a great staff,’ Tierney continued. ‘Nothing is going to change. There’s no legal difference.’

Allegra Kirkland, "‘Nothing Changes’: NY AG Will Remain Check On Trump Without Schneiderman," Talking Points Memo, May 8, 2018.

Activist state attorneys-general take on Trump and Facebook

Today all 50 states and the District of Columbia have an officer with the title of attorney-general. All but a handful are elected in partisan elections, and all reflect the core philosophy of their respective political parties. And most importantly, each one has the extraordinary power to go to court to challenge the decisions of the US president or anyone else that affect their home turf.
— James Tierney

James Tierney, "Activist state attorneys-general take on Trump and Facebook," Financial Times, March 27, 2018.

NOTE: Access to this article by direct URL requires a subscription to the FT. But if you Google the title, at the time of this writing, the link generated behind the scenes by Google will route around the firewall and take you to the article. We can't use that link here as it would violate the FT's terms of service.

From Opioids to Guns: Cities, Counties Step Up Civil Suits

‘Attorneys general are … in a much better strategic position [than cities and counties] to decide when to sue opioid manufacturers, and what claims to make, because they have the authority to issue civil investigative demands to companies,’ Tierney said.

…’What we have with the opioid crisis is a national issue that should be resolved nationally through the attorneys general, whether through use of contingency fee counsel or not,’ Tierney said.

Peter Hayes and Steven M. Sellers, "From Opioids to Guns: Cities, Counties Step Up Civil Suits," Bloomberg BNA, March 15, 2018.

How Supreme Court's Internet Tax Case Was Built 'From the Ground Up'

‘It happens all the time,’ said former Maine Attorney General James Tierney, now a Harvard Law School lecturer who advises state attorneys general. Tierney did not want to comment on the Wayfair case specifically, but said that in general, it is not uncommon for states to pass laws they know would be tested at the Supreme Court. State laws on abortion rights and immigration, for example, have been passed in defiance of court precedents, Tierney noted.

But Tierney said that in recent years, he has detected more of ‘a defiance, a roughness in the air’ in cases brought to the Supreme Court aimed at busting precedents. ‘People are getting more feisty, more interested in challenging all this,’ he said. ‘You have these large interest groups that say, ‘We don’t care, let’s push it.’’

Tony Mauro, "How Supreme Court's Internet Tax Case Was Built 'From the Ground Up,'" The National Law Journal, March 16, 2018.